Steam has updated how demos “appear and behave” within the Steam library.
In a post to the official website, Valve said that with “thousands of playable demos launching on Steam every year, and millions of players trying them out, we’ve noticed some trends in feedback from both developers and players about the process and functionality. We’ve put together an update based on that feedback”.

What happens to your Steam account when you die? – Here’s A Thing

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PlayStation’s shock decision to shut down its live-service flop Concord just a fortnight after launch has spurred players who did buy the game to try and reach its max level via an unusual method – before it all disappears.

Players are now leaping off cliffs to end matches and earn XP at rapid pace, with a healthy chunk of XP awarded whether a team wins or loses. If Concord was set to last longer, it feels like something developer Firewalk would fix. Now, not so much.

Why are Concord owners so concerned with reaching the game’s max level of 100? Well, you need to do so to unlock the “Experienced Freegunner” Trophy, and by extension the game’s Platinum. Regardless of whether Concord ever returns after Sony pulls the plug and issues refunds, players will have that award – for now, likely one of the rarest Platinum Trophies available – on their profile permanently.

Concord – Gameplay Trailer | PS5 Games

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